Saturday, July 25, 2009

Week 4-EJ -Web 2.0 in Taiwan

I search "web 2.o in Taiwan" in Google and find this interesting articles.

At the beginning, it mentions that a "Taiwan-based Web site using Web 2.0-technology", won the conference's (DEMO 08 Conference held in California--where the newest and best products in digital technology debut--companies from Taiwan stunned foreign demonstrators) grand prize, the "People's Choice" award.

Taiwan is a small place with 23 millions people. We have a lot of online communities that have multiple topics forums. For example, now in Taiwan, the most famous online community is the PPT that are created by the students in Taiwan University (the best university in Taiwan).


Bi-Jen Hsieh said...

Cindy, I'm afraid that I need to correct you. The most famous online community is called PTT ( not ppt). It is a text-based Bulletin Board System, like a message board.
With so many emerging technologies available, it's a unique and interesting phenomenon that many Taiwan people still stick on that BBS taxt-based platform. In BBS, users use only keyboards to do all tasks, such as to post, write, or reply a message, and there is no need to use a mouse at all.

Cindy said...

Thank you Bi-Jen for correcting me. haha, in fact, I don't use PTT a lot but lots of my friends love it.