Thursday, July 16, 2009

Week 3-EJ2-Wiki and Blog

The first Wiki I used was Wikipedia. At that moment, I was curious about the validity of the content since everyone can edit. Later on, the more I used Wiki, the more I wondering why there are lots people are willing to spend time and effort to edit the contents. Maybe this is the power of Web 2.0

The blog I use most is Wretch ( This is the most popular one in Taiwan. I found a lot of Pro-Ads here, such as cooking, cosmetic, travailing, 3C technology, etc. This is one of the most useful Web 2.0 resources to me because I learn and find lots of new and cool things (information, knowledge, etc.).

The instructional uses of Wiki and Blog:
When I was at BYUH, I worked at Development of Online Curriculum as an Instructional Technical support. I remember our director uses different Web 2.0 tools for Knowledge management purpose. We used Wiki before to keep track of the projects process. Google Document is another tools that I think is similar to Wiki. In our department, we use Google Document to collaborate information and I think I like Google document a lot compare to Wiki.
The reason is I use Gmail, and Google collects everything together: Google doc, calendar, chat, email, website, etc. I think it is very convinience that I don't have to log in so many website and remember so many different user names and passwords. (info overload to me)

How Wiki and Blog Supports learning and performance:
To me, I think they support learning and performance during the social and research process.
Social here I mean reading others' words, reply, comments, etc, From this two actions, I can see how my judgment of informaiton validity improve. I think even I do nothing but just read Wiki and Blog, I learn things. But how it will make me want to perform what I learn from Wiki and Blog? I think it depends on the topic and some motivation. I think motivation is an important key element when we apply Web 2.0 to instructional design.

1 comment:

Christie Suggs said...

Yes, Google docs is a very nice feature. I didn't know about wretch so thanks for sharing that link.