Thursday, July 23, 2009

Week 4-EJ 2- judgement the value on the Web

The way I judge the value of expertise on the Web is from multiple ways.

1. My own knowledge:
If I have some background of the topic, I can have more correct judgment of the contents. If I am not very familiar, I will search many different posting first and collect them and absorb as my own knowledge. As I doing this process, I will find out the validity of the contents later on. This is usually need time to process.

2. Comments from others:
I start reading the comments from last year I think. I find out this is a good way for me to value the contents. However, depends on different topics, people may rely heavily on their own preferences. Here it will combine with my own knowledge. However, if there are many comments, I can tell whose comments are more neutral. If there is only one or two comments, it will be hard to judge.

3. Topic or product identity:
I find out that some authors will write good words only for the products if they have cooperation with the company. In Taiwan now, it is very famous that the cosmetic company will give free samples to some famous blog writer and write down their ideas after using the products. At the beginning, I believe all of them and wondering how grate the blog writers are. Now, I notice they lie. However, these experience also will add to my own knowledge later on.

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