Thursday, July 23, 2009

Week 4-EJ1- social bookmarking

I am in Taiwan now. ^^ I found that now we can use internet during fly. It is very convenience.

For social bookmarking, I used delicious before. At the beginning, I felt it was pretty cool. The reason I used was because my computer got broken and I did not back up all my files. My bookmarks are the most important things because it took me a while to collect all of them and they has many important information that I need.

I found delicious online by google searching and it was 3 years ago I think. However, later on I found that I can export all my bookmarks from my own browser ( = =\\ I should notice this earlier). Now I don't use online social bookmarks for no reasons. (maybe I am just lazy)

For instructional use, I think it will be a good social tool for students to know their classmates. We can learn or notice one person's interests or preferences from his/her bookmarks.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

It *is* fun to be online while flying, isn't it? I was on a flight to Frankfurt about 3 years ago that had a wifi connection and I spent all of my time until my battery ran out sending emails that said "hey, I'm on a flight and I'm online! this is cool!"

Glad you made it safely across the world!