Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Week 3-EJ 1-Social Network

For social network tool, I use Yahoo massage, MSN, QQ (very popular in China and Hong Kong), Skype, Facebook, Google Chat, and Wretch (most popular in Taiwan).

At the beginning, I only used Yasoo Massage for family talk and this was the first one that was popular in Taiwan in 4 years ago. Now, it extends to 7 different social network. In fact, I just tried Twitter last week also.

There is some strange feeling on the day when I joined Twitter. I suddenly felt lost because I felt so busy in these social network tools. I basically used them everyday but how come I still have time to do something else? Sometimes I wish there is only one that all my friends and family use so I don't need to be "busy".

My cousin and I use MSN for conmunication because she is in Hawaii now while I am in Tallahassee. One day, she commented on my Facebook and I replyed back. We continued this process for about 10 minutes. At that moment, I was wondering why don't she just chat with me in MSN. The next day, she then asked me this question too. This similar thing happen again right before I write this EJ. I then question myself, it seems people easily stick with the "first" beginning action. Like the example of me and my cousin, we stick with commenting each other's comments( this is the first action at that moment when we start communicating.) I know not all people but I just think there may have some like us.

Also, I find that my cousin and I may use MSN as soon as one of us suggest "why don't we jsut chat in MSN, it's faster." The reason why we did not use MSN was just because I thought my cousin wanted to use Facebook while my cousin thought I wanted to use Fackbook too. (haha, so funny)

From these social network tools, I find that the eailier one only for either synchronize or asynchronize, but now, more and more social network tools include both, like Facebook.
Four years ago when I started to use Yahoo message and MSN, there was not feacture about leaving message while the person was offline. After I think less than one year, they have this feature. This is really helpful and I am exciting about the more cool feature in next 3 years.


..:| Kent |:.. said...

Adding to the confusion, Facebook has a chat option, too! If you are interested in chatting within Facebook, check the bottom status bar of the browser window. There should be a silhouette of a person with the word Chat and a number (indicating how many of your friends are online and available to chat). If you click there, a popup will allow you to select which friend to chat with. You can have multiple chat windows open.

Cindy said...

Hi Kent

Thanks for sharing. I know Facebook has the chat feature, but just my cousin and I get used to MSN. ^^