Friday, July 3, 2009

Week 1, EJ2

As I read and interact with some of the posting in Blackboard this week, I found an article named: What you need to know about Web 2.0 and I think this article help me understand some of the issues we discuss in BB this week.

First of all, this article briefly introduces some of the characteristics of Web 2.0, such as user friendly and cost-effectively. I think I totally agree with these two. As a user, most of the Web 2.0 technology is free and does not require me to have HTML prerequisite knowledge. Like I am writing my blog now, I just type my words not edit HTML (well, I can do so if I want too).

Next, it talks about RSS. In fact, I know what is RSS but somehow I can not really tell to describe what it is. (and I don't think I have to) RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and "allows users to pull to themselves only the informaiton that interests them instead of receiving what is pushed out by media outlets and other traiditional content producers." Before, I did not really take a good use of this tool and now I think this feature again support the user-friendly characteristic of Web 2.0.

Lst, the things interests me the most in this article is the author talks about the Web 2.0 applications for Education Professionals and applications in the classroom. From the BB discussion board, seems many people use Web 2.o to enrich their knowledge for their professions. Here it also mention that many educaiton professionals use Web 2.0 to hlep update the information of this world so that they can keep the communication bridge with their learners or students. The "application in the classroom" section mentions that Web 2.0 help create learner-center environment that learners learn from choose the messages or information they think are useful to them, discuss with peers, and learn from interaction with peers and teacher.

Imperatore, C. (2009, January). What you need to know about Web 2.0. Techniques (AECT), 83, no9. 20-23.

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