Friday, July 17, 2009

Week 3-EJ 3-power of searching in Web 2.0

From week 4 to week 5, I will be in Taiwan and week 6 in Mainland China.

As I know, there are some websites that are block in China. For example, blogger and wretch (the one I personally use), and last month, my cousin went to China and told me that YouTube is not available in China also. That shocks me.

Dr. Dennen provides me some solutions and also I find some solution online too. I find it is very powerful the searching in Web 2.0. Not only this situation. I am a MAC user and sometimes there are some good software for PC only. However, I always can find other solutions online. I appreciate the people design and come out solutions or similar software for MAC users.


Vanessa said...

I do hope you'll share with us what your Internet experience is while you're there!

Safe travels!

Cindy said...

Thank you Dr. Dennen.

haha, that's definitely one of the EJs topic I want to write.

Jack Manuputy said...

Cindy, please do keep us updated on your progress in China. It will be interesting to learn if your internet access will be restricted and if so, to what degree. I am surprised to learn from your blog that you won't have access to YouTube. 'Talk about your digital divide!

Thanks for your comments on my Produsage assignment!

Good Luck,
