Saturday, July 11, 2009

Week 2-EJ3-Second Life-hoping I will have a better impression about it

From reading others' EJ, I found some classmates like Second Life.

To me, I had the same bad experience as Bryan about using Second Life. It took me morn than one hour to set up--just the name. That gave me a really bad impression about Second Life and I felt I was stupid in using it. Later on, my friend let me used his account to try out Second Life. I still felt stupid because it was kind of wasting my time. I don't know what is my purpose playing Second Life and my friend told me he sometimes lost his hair or clothes in Second Life because he hits the "wall" or something. I just can not love it. Lots of my friends feel the same way.

However, like Bryan, I will give it one more chance this time and hope that I will have a better impression of it after this course.

1 comment:

Eirin said...

Cindy - Please keep us posted about your experiences with Second Life. It is similar to my week with Twitter. I just don't see the point mostly and it feels like a waste of time. I am sticking with it though.