Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How am I going to organize my time for this course

Since this is a 3-credits course, I need to spend at least 7.5 hours besides reading textbook.

Here is the schedule that I set up for myself:

I will log in to BB everyday and read others' posting.

Monday to Tuesday, usually I will spend time on these two days to read the textbook first. It's my habit to read textbook first before I do any posting. I don't now if this is a good method, but I feel I will have clear ideas about others' posting.

Tuesday to Friday (4 hours to 5 hours total), I will spend at least this amount of time in reading posts from others in BB and post mine ideas or comments. The way I help for information overload is that I will real (or skim through) the beginning of every posting and go deep into it if I am interested in. Sometimes I will only make comments if I found someone already said in their posting. I don't want to come out a new threat and post the same idea. I will also post my EJ by Friday.

Thursday to Saturday (2 hours to 3 hours total), I will start reading others' EJ on Thursday because I think most classmates will post or finish posting their EJ on these days.


Eirin said...

Hi Cindy - I appreciate your schedule. I have my friend feed open and my BB page with the DB. I am also working on the textbook reading and experiencing Twitter. I feel like I am all over the place. I need some structure! - Eirin

Cindy said...

Hi Eirin

I try to reply you and for some reasons my comment disappeared right after I click the "post comments".

I just figure this one out. = =||