Tuesday, July 28, 2009

tomorrow I will be in China for 2 weeks

I am going to China tomorrow for two weeks. I will keep updating the web info in China.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Week 4-EJ -Web 2.0 in Taiwan

I search "web 2.o in Taiwan" in Google and find this interesting articles.


At the beginning, it mentions that a "Taiwan-based Web site using Web 2.0-technology", won the conference's (DEMO 08 Conference held in California--where the newest and best products in digital technology debut--companies from Taiwan stunned foreign demonstrators) grand prize, the "People's Choice" award.

Taiwan is a small place with 23 millions people. We have a lot of online communities that have multiple topics forums. For example, now in Taiwan, the most famous online community is the PPT that are created by the students in Taiwan University (the best university in Taiwan).

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Week 4-EJ 2- judgement the value on the Web

The way I judge the value of expertise on the Web is from multiple ways.

1. My own knowledge:
If I have some background of the topic, I can have more correct judgment of the contents. If I am not very familiar, I will search many different posting first and collect them and absorb as my own knowledge. As I doing this process, I will find out the validity of the contents later on. This is usually need time to process.

2. Comments from others:
I start reading the comments from last year I think. I find out this is a good way for me to value the contents. However, depends on different topics, people may rely heavily on their own preferences. Here it will combine with my own knowledge. However, if there are many comments, I can tell whose comments are more neutral. If there is only one or two comments, it will be hard to judge.

3. Topic or product identity:
I find out that some authors will write good words only for the products if they have cooperation with the company. In Taiwan now, it is very famous that the cosmetic company will give free samples to some famous blog writer and write down their ideas after using the products. At the beginning, I believe all of them and wondering how grate the blog writers are. Now, I notice they lie. However, these experience also will add to my own knowledge later on.

Week 4-EJ1- social bookmarking

I am in Taiwan now. ^^ I found that now we can use internet during fly. It is very convenience.

For social bookmarking, I used delicious before. At the beginning, I felt it was pretty cool. The reason I used was because my computer got broken and I did not back up all my files. My bookmarks are the most important things because it took me a while to collect all of them and they has many important information that I need.

I found delicious online by google searching and it was 3 years ago I think. However, later on I found that I can export all my bookmarks from my own browser ( = =\\ I should notice this earlier). Now I don't use online social bookmarks for no reasons. (maybe I am just lazy)

For instructional use, I think it will be a good social tool for students to know their classmates. We can learn or notice one person's interests or preferences from his/her bookmarks.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Week 3-EJ 3-power of searching in Web 2.0

From week 4 to week 5, I will be in Taiwan and week 6 in Mainland China.

As I know, there are some websites that are block in China. For example, blogger and wretch (the one I personally use), and last month, my cousin went to China and told me that YouTube is not available in China also. That shocks me.

Dr. Dennen provides me some solutions and also I find some solution online too. I find it is very powerful the searching in Web 2.0. Not only this situation. I am a MAC user and sometimes there are some good software for PC only. However, I always can find other solutions online. I appreciate the people design and come out solutions or similar software for MAC users.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Week 3-EJ2-Wiki and Blog

The first Wiki I used was Wikipedia. At that moment, I was curious about the validity of the content since everyone can edit. Later on, the more I used Wiki, the more I wondering why there are lots people are willing to spend time and effort to edit the contents. Maybe this is the power of Web 2.0

The blog I use most is Wretch (http://www.wretch.cc/). This is the most popular one in Taiwan. I found a lot of Pro-Ads here, such as cooking, cosmetic, travailing, 3C technology, etc. This is one of the most useful Web 2.0 resources to me because I learn and find lots of new and cool things (information, knowledge, etc.).

The instructional uses of Wiki and Blog:
When I was at BYUH, I worked at Development of Online Curriculum as an Instructional Technical support. I remember our director uses different Web 2.0 tools for Knowledge management purpose. We used Wiki before to keep track of the projects process. Google Document is another tools that I think is similar to Wiki. In our department, we use Google Document to collaborate information and I think I like Google document a lot compare to Wiki.
The reason is I use Gmail, and Google collects everything together: Google doc, calendar, chat, email, website, etc. I think it is very convinience that I don't have to log in so many website and remember so many different user names and passwords. (info overload to me)

How Wiki and Blog Supports learning and performance:
To me, I think they support learning and performance during the social and research process.
Social here I mean reading others' words, reply, comments, etc, From this two actions, I can see how my judgment of informaiton validity improve. I think even I do nothing but just read Wiki and Blog, I learn things. But how it will make me want to perform what I learn from Wiki and Blog? I think it depends on the topic and some motivation. I think motivation is an important key element when we apply Web 2.0 to instructional design.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Week 3-EJ 1-Social Network

For social network tool, I use Yahoo massage, MSN, QQ (very popular in China and Hong Kong), Skype, Facebook, Google Chat, and Wretch (most popular in Taiwan).

At the beginning, I only used Yasoo Massage for family talk and this was the first one that was popular in Taiwan in 4 years ago. Now, it extends to 7 different social network. In fact, I just tried Twitter last week also.

There is some strange feeling on the day when I joined Twitter. I suddenly felt lost because I felt so busy in these social network tools. I basically used them everyday but how come I still have time to do something else? Sometimes I wish there is only one that all my friends and family use so I don't need to be "busy".

My cousin and I use MSN for conmunication because she is in Hawaii now while I am in Tallahassee. One day, she commented on my Facebook and I replyed back. We continued this process for about 10 minutes. At that moment, I was wondering why don't she just chat with me in MSN. The next day, she then asked me this question too. This similar thing happen again right before I write this EJ. I then question myself, it seems people easily stick with the "first" beginning action. Like the example of me and my cousin, we stick with commenting each other's comments( this is the first action at that moment when we start communicating.) I know not all people but I just think there may have some like us.

Also, I find that my cousin and I may use MSN as soon as one of us suggest "why don't we jsut chat in MSN, it's faster." The reason why we did not use MSN was just because I thought my cousin wanted to use Facebook while my cousin thought I wanted to use Fackbook too. (haha, so funny)

From these social network tools, I find that the eailier one only for either synchronize or asynchronize, but now, more and more social network tools include both, like Facebook.
Four years ago when I started to use Yahoo message and MSN, there was not feacture about leaving message while the person was offline. After I think less than one year, they have this feature. This is really helpful and I am exciting about the more cool feature in next 3 years.